The salaried category in Pakistan contributed 368 billion tax in FY24.

The salaried category in Pakistan contributed 368 billion tax in FY24.

The salaried category in Pakistan contributed 368 billion tax in FY24.

It is not a surprise that the salaried class contribution was ranked as the 3rd most tax-paid category in Pakistan by paying 368 billion taxes in FY 2024. FBR has not made any reforms, and its focus is only on how to get or increase tax on those people who are already paying massive taxes.

The salaried class paid 40% more in FY 24 compared to FY 23 due to a massive increase of tax on the salaried class and introducing 45% taxes on high-paid salaries, which is called a super tax, due to IMF demands and the FBR being unable to come up with a reform plan and an out-of-the-box approach. 

Still, with these massive tax increases, FBR is unable to meet the IMF target, which has worried many sectors and workers in Pakistan because they fear FBR might increase more taxes on those who are already burdened by increased taxes. Unless FBR comes up with a fair policy, these shortfalls won't surprise people, as people will either close down their business or shift their business abroad. The one who cannot do it will find ways to dodge taxes due to unfair policies of the government and FBR.

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