Ronin’s Local Production: A Game-Changer for Pakistan
Pakistan is an import-based country, and it is unfortunate that Pakistan did not focus on AI and tech, whereas cross-border is supplying tech, AI, and IT to the world. Imports have been a panic for Pakistan, and it is unable to afford basic needs, let alone import of high-tech and luxury items, due to high external debt and low foreign reserves.
However, Ronin, which is a Pakistani home-based company, has announced that they have already built their manufacturing unit, and they will assemble and manufacture earbuds, tech watches, tech gears, etc., which will allow Pakistan to save its precious foreign reserves as well as get the quality of products by Roni.
This is a major and significant achievement by Ronin, giving Pakistani consumers an opportunity to purchase affordable products by Ronin. This will allow Pakistan to reduce reliance on expensive imports, and it will increase consumer purchasing power as well, because local manufacturing is always cheaper than imported products.
Ronin was founded in 2020 in Pakistan, and it is the largest seller of mobile accessories, and it also now has an established manufacturing plant in Pakistan to make products locally and more affordably.