How was Pakistan's year 2024 Financially and Security wise.

How was Pakistan's year 2024 Financially and Security wise.

How was Pakistan's year 2024 Financially and Security wise.

How was the year 2024 for Pakistan?

Pakistani people have mixed reactions over how their 2024 was. Some say it was normal like the rest of the year; some say that it was a good year, and some say that it was the most terrible year in Pakistan. There is no doubt that polarization has increased; other people's points of view are not tolerated by any side, not just one party but all, and hate speech has increased, and our society is getting less cooperative.

Year 2024, there were many issues in Pakistan, like security, law issues, and financial issues.


How was 2024 financially for Pakistan?

It can be said that 2024 is financially stagnant for Pakistan, as there is less than a single digit, as the government officially revealed that growth numbers were 0.92%, and there is barely growth in any sector. Population-wise, unemployment has reached its peak, as there is not business opportunity at the moment in Pakistan.

The taxes are so high for every sector in Pakistan, except for a few like agriculture and property buying and purchasing, that no one can sustain the pressure of taxes, which is one of the reasons why FBR is facing a serious shortfall in their tax collection, and it is reported that FBR might face more than 80 billion rupees in tax only this month.

The worst was that even exporters did not get any mercy, and their electricity subsidies were withdrawn, gas subsidies were withdrawn, and now they also have to pay income tax, which can go as high as 45% as well. Moreover, electricity prices increased to such an extent that there is almost a reduction in power usage compared to last year, and it is official that Pakistan's electricity cost is the most expensive in the region. 

There were no reforms by the government, and their entire focus is leeching out as much as they can from current taxpayers via harassment and increasing taxes of people who are already paying the taxes.

Only positive out of this was Pakistan's external side due to its current account surplus, and a total of 5 months of the current fiscal year is US$944 million. We hope that in 2025, Pakistan will see a path of export-led growth, an increase of business activities, a reduction on insanely high taxes and FBR proper reforms, a reduction of electricity prices, and LSM (Large Scale Manufacture) is in double-digit growth and increasing opportunities for SMEs.



How was 2024 for Pakistan security-wise?

According to reports, it is reported that 2024 is the deadliest year for our security forces. Reports say that 685 security personnel were martyred, and there were 444 attacks total reported all over Pakistan. The surprising and shocking part was that total combined civilian and security personnel fatalities reported are 1612 in total.

Moreover, reports say that this is almost a 62% increase compared to last year, and also to mention that this is 73% more fatalities compared to last year. The government is trying its’ best to reduce the crime, and our security personnel are working day and night to secure our border. The government is focusing on sending all illegal or legal Afghans back to their countries due to the hostile approach of Afghans towards Pakistan and hate speech of Afghans against Pakistan, which is the major reason for fatalities of our civilians and security personnel.

The government is sincerely trying to send back all illegal foreigners back to their countries, and it is hoped the government is successful in this regard, and we hope that in 2025 there are no fatalities. 


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