American Woman admitted to Karachi Hospital for Mental Evaluation

American Woman admitted to Karachi Hospital for Mental Evaluation

American Woman admitted to Karachi Hospital for Mental Evaluation

An American woman named Onijah Robinson who traveled from New York to Karachi had fallen sick, and she was admitted to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, which is also called JPMC. Her health condition was already bad, revealed by her son, and she was admitted to JPMC because she was experiencing mental health issues. 


Moreover, reports suggest that she was having issues like incoherent speech, and she also had swelling in her body. Her son, Jeremiah Andrew Robinson, revealed that she has a history of mental illness, and she also has a history of cognitive impairments. Moreover, he said that her family somehow arranged for her a ticket to fly back to the US from Pakistan in October 2024; however, she refused. Additionally, even the US consulate tried to send her back, but they clearly stated that it was her personal issue, and they could not force her to return. Authorities are monitoring her health and hope that soon she will return to the US.


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